Quartet is a performance for two dancers and two cameras. The exploratory excursion is dedicated to the internal and external architectures of our relationships. The cameras monitor the actions live, acting as a mirror and voyeur; they emphase and change what is already visible and reveal what is hidden from view.
The primary processes of the choreography and the performance itself are reduction, duplication and montage. Reduction to the most basic elements of relationship, movement and physical proximity. The walk, touch and gaze that blend together to form the score of the quartet. The gaze of the couple, the gaze of the cameras, and the gaze of the spectator. And play, as the intrinsic nature of relationships and the very act of performance. A game of the possible combinations of reduced and re-extended elements. The focal point between body and two-dimensional image is the game of dichotomy between pleasure and violence, coexistence and alienation.
Shown from different perspectives, the fabricated story reveals itself to the spectators enabling them to observe the construction of performative reality.
Ideja za Kvartet je bila od začetka zelo enostavna: partitura za dva plesalca - dve živi telesi in dve kameri v živo. Hvalnica ljubezni in hkrati zapis razpada mini-ekosistema dveh posameznikov, ki preverjata meje svobode v odnosu do drugega.
Skozi proces se predstava razvija v nenehni razpetosti med različnimi protipoli, saj zadeva načine gledanja. Gledanja samega sebe, gledanja drugega, gledanja sebe skozi pogled drugega in seveda naslavlja gledalčev pogled - pogled občinstva. Kamera, čeprav vseskozi prisotna v naši družbi, je zgolj ogledalo in voyer, ki ustvarja paralelno fikcijo. Beleži in prevaja, gibanje akterjev pa razkriva plast nenehnega nastajanja, upanja na združitev in hkrati razpada.
- Magdalena Reiter, koreografinja
Magdalena Reiter: Quartet
14,00 EUR
12,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.
Choreography and video direction: Magdalena Reiter
Dancers and co-created by: Jerca Rožnik Novak, Beno Novak
Video design: Sandi Skok
Music: August Braatz
Set design: Urša Vidic, Maruša Mali
Light design: Mojca Sarjaš
Costume design: Pia Gorišek
Production: Zavod Mirabelka
Co-production: Cankarjev dom
The show is co-financed by the Municipality of Ljubljana – Department of Culture and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia

Bodite med prvimi ...
.... ki boste izvedeli, katere koncerte, predavanja, gledališka in plesna gostovanja in drugo pripravljamo v Cankarjevem domu,