Past event
9 May 2024 20:00

Grafenauer flamenco project feat. José Montaña

The 2024 Noches de Tablao contemporary flamenco series begins with an event that represents an important rarity in Slovenian flamenco creativity. An important development on the local music scene and a fresh wind of innovation is the release of the album Ventana Abierta that joins outstanding Slovenian and Spanish artists who have also featured in the series over the recent years. The album gives prominence to nationally and internationally established virtuosos, who, under the guidance of the creative leader Izidor Erazem Grafenauer, invite the listeners to enter the world of original flamenco music reflecting influences of world and classical music, as well as jazz.

The music is based on flamenco rhythms and music forms, also called palos flamenco, mixed with jazz, world music and classical music influences, each piece reflecting the composer’s experience of the world around him, his years-long dedication to music-making and detailed artistic research. Blending traditional elements and contemporary musical approaches, Ventana Abierta constitutes a fresh, distinctly expressive but respectful view on this masterful music genre, thus also creating new possibilities and perspectives for the development of flamenco in Slovenia and beyond. Its innovativeness opens up a window of opportunity for new generations whilst promoting diversity and the exchange of ideas.

In addition to the project leader Grafenauer, the collaborators on the album include Ana Mezgec, Bernardo Brizani, Jošt Lampret, leading Spanish artists Jose Manuel Ruiz Motos “Bandolero” and Enrique Rodriguez “Enriquito” and the producer Paco Ortega. Noemi Humanes García and Imer Saj Brizani feature as guest vocalists. The album was recorded at the Musigram Studio in Madrid in October 2023 and released this year on the Slovenian label Celinka.

A special guest at the album launch will be José Montaña. The Madrid-born musician ranks among today’s leading percussionists working in flamenco and Afro-Cuban music. He gained renown for his collaboration with world-famous flamenco dancers such as Nino de los Reyes, Juan de Juan and Antonio Canales, and was influenced by some of flamenco's most acclaimed percussionists, including Israel Suárez “El Piraña”, Lucky Losada, Ramon Porrina and Sabu Porrina. His Latino music mentors and colleagues include Miguel Angá Díaz, Pepe Espinosa, Pedrito Martínez, Changuito, Tata Güines, Giovanni Hidalgo and others. His greatest source of inspiration is the multi-instrumentalist and bassist Alain Pérez, who is also his mentor. José Montaña has played with some of the world's most celebrated musicians, including Alain Pérez, Richard Bona, Alfredo Rodríguez, Jorge Pardo, Chano Dominguez, Antonio Rey, Antonio Serrano, Javier Limon, Jerry Gonzalez, Montse Cortés, Caramelo de Cuba, Israel Fernández, and Marina (Ojos de Brujo). An artist of brands La Rosa Percussion, Istanbul Mehmet Cymbals & Majidrums, he leads workshops and performs all over the world.

The project includes one of Slovenia’s most prominent flamenco dancers, choreographer and musician Urška Centa. Her first appearance after the successful Mexican tour with the band Sentido Project promises an exhilarating percussive experience and the authenticity of a dance body living through every gesture and movement. Urška Centa articulates a unique artistic vision that blurs the boundaries between flamenco and contemporary dance and challenges the conventions of choreography. Her long-standing collaboration with Grafenauer has crystallised into a refined, virtuoso dialogue between the dancer and musician and a visceral stage exploration of the aesthetics of different worlds.

oleg njega bo nastopila ena vodilnih plesalk flamenka v Sloveniji, koreografinja in glasbena ustvarjalka Urška Centa. Njen prvi nastop po vrnitvi z uspešne turneje v Mehiki z zasedbo Sentido Project obeta tolkalsko doživetje in avtentičnost plesnega telesa, ki živi skozi vsako svojo gesto in gib. Urška Centa prinaša s seboj edinstveno umetniško vizijo, ki briše meje med elementi flamenka in sodobnega plesa ter koreografsko izziva pravila. Njeno dolgoletno sodelovanje z Grafenauerjem se mojstri v prefinjen in virtuozen dialog plesalke in glasbenika ter doživeto odrsko popotovanje po estetiki različnih svetov.


The cycle is supported by the City of Ljubljana.

Nakup vstopnic

Grafenauer flamenco project feat. José Montaña

9 May 2024 20:00
9 May 2024 20:00
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20 EUR

17 EUR* * EUR za mlajše od 25 in starejše od 65 let ter upokojence.

Izidor Erazem Grafenauer, guitar
Jošt Lampret, el. bass
Ana Mezgec, violin
Bernardo Brizani, cello
Luka Ipavec, trumpet
Urška Centa, dancing and palms
José Montaña, percussion

Production Platforma NEST



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