Past event
28 Aug 2020 20:30

Is it working?

From 24 to 28 August 2020 at several locations around Ljubljana, the international festival of art, science and technology Is it working? will present the latest productions of Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory and its partner institutions within the European Art Science Technology Network for Digital Creativity (EASTN-DC). The network strives towards interdisciplinary interpretations of new shifts in the digital paradigm in order to prepare society for the challenges of the future in which digital technologies will enter all aspects of human cognition, perception and activity.

The collaborating transdisciplinary authors from Slovenia and abroad will address – through diverse artistic and research approaches – advanced models of interactivity, multimodality, responsiveness and audience experience. Various formats – from exhibitions, performances, concerts, to presentations, workshops, and an audio walk – will enable visitors, through their active participation, a closer understanding of contemporary research, experiments and artistic methods in the fields of light, audio, interface, kinetic, location and perception technologies.

Yannick Hofmann: Figure-ground   Audiovisual performance (live stream)
Dan Wilcox: robotcowboy  Audiovisual performance (live stream)
Ansambel PRSA | PRSA Ensemble Audiovisual performance
Jean-Baptiste Arthus: 55h22   Sound performance

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Is it working?

28 Aug 2020 20:30
28 Aug 2020 20:30
Traja do 23:15
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