Urška Rupnik and Maša Kagao Knez are the authors of the project Historicization (of Contemporary Slovenian Dance) whose basic guideline is the re-actualization of the creators of contemporary dance in Slovenia. Its history is extremely rich, colourful and varied, but regretfully also forgotten, despite the abundance of footage, photographic material, newspaper coverage and other documentation of the activities of the leading names on the contemporary dance scene since the 1970s.
Iščoča je deloma izobraževalno-plesna predstava, s svojim opominom na preteklost pa zgodovine slovenskega modernega plesa ne prepušča zgolj pisnim arhivom, temveč jo v dialogu s sodobnostjo prinaša na oder in tako omogoča življenje izven zaprašenih črk na papirju.
Ana Lorger, portal Kritika (Sigledal)
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Historicization (of Contemporary Slovenian Dance)
11,00 EUR
8,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category
Creative team: Urša Rupnik, Maša Kagao Knez
Co-production: Studio za svobodni ples, Zavod Diaspora, Flota Ljubljana, Cankarjev dom