Past event
6 Jun 2024 19:30

RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra - Kromatika 9

Conductor: Jascha von der Goltz

Soloists: Matjaž Bogataj, violin; Maruša Turjak Bogataj, cello

Carl Maria von Weber, Oberon
Johannes Brahms, Double Concerto for Violin and Cello
Johannes Brahms, Symphony No. 3

The RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra will conclude the Kromatika season under the baton of the young German conductor Jasch von der Goltz, who is active as an assistant to Roberto González-Monjas at the Orchester Musikkollegium Winterthur, performing works by Donizetti, Mascagni, von Suppé, Ravel and Stravinsky. Jasch von der Goltz studied at the Norwegian Academy of Music before furthering his studies at the Zurich University of the Arts. In addition to his achievements on the concert stage, he has proved himself by gaining second place in the International Conducting Competition Jeunesses Musicales Bucharest (2019 ) and first prize in the 8th Jorma Panula International Conducting Competition in Vaasa, Finland (2021). Jasch von der Goltz will guide our orchestra through a programme of German Romantic music, from the overture to the opera Oberon by Carl Maria von Weber, to the Third Symphony by Johannes Brahms.

The concert leads us from an early Romantic work that is most often heard in its concert version today (Weber’s opera Oberon failed to establish a permanent place on theatre stages), to a masterpiece of mature Romanticism, with which Brahms consolidated his reputation as a great symphonist. A unique feature of the programme is a work by Brahms that is somewhat less frequently performed: the so-called Double Concerto. In it, the great master of orchestral music devoted his attention to not one, but two soloists – a violinist and a cellist – alongside the orchestra.

The solo parts will be interpreted by two excellent Slovenian musicians. Violinist Matjaž Bogataj studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, after which he served as a member of the Frankfurter Opern- und Museumsorchester for four years. In 2017, he assumed the position of leader of the second violins in the Bavarian State Orchestra. He is also active as a chamber musician, most notably in the piano trio Munich ARTISTrio, in which his sister, cellist Maruša Turjak Bogataj, also plays. She studied at the Ljubljana Academy of Music and the Munich University of Music and Performing Arts, and since 2015 has been a solo cellist in our orchestra.


Nakup vstopnic

RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra - Kromatika 9

6 Jun 2024 19:30
6 Jun 2024 19:30
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10,00 | 14,00 | 18,00 | 22,00 EUR

9,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.

The concert, including an intermission, is expected to last two hours.


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