Cripple's Defence
Theater Play and Novel Presentation
Organized by: OZARA Slovenia, National Association for Quality of Life
Brief Event Schedule:
18:00: Viewing of the theater play "Cripple's Defence"
18:55 to 19:15: Short break
19:15: Presentation of the novel "Life in the Subconsciousness. Fighter – The Diary of a Coward" and discussion will be hosted by journalist Helena Ajdnik, and her conversation partners will be Simon Šerbinek and psychologist Dr. Aleksander Zadel
Event concludes at 20:00
After the event: Social gathering with refreshments
Brief Description of the Theater Play "Cripple's Defence":
"Cripple's Defence" is an original theatrical play and a continuation of the collaboration between actor Simon Šerbinek, a bilateral below-knee amputee, and director Matjaž Latin. They previously created a successful monodrama titled "Krhkost" (Fragility) based on an essay by the renowned French filmmaker Jean-Claude Carrière. "Cripple's Defence" is based on Simon Šerbinek's autobiographical story. It's a "comedy" that uniquely portrays the actor's autobiographical tale of rehabilitation and the integration of disabled individuals into society. The play addresses various types of disabilities, both physical and mental diagnoses. The actor presents his personal story in an apparently relaxed manner, yet with a significant amount of social critique and self-irony. The performance simultaneously challenges and breaks various taboos associated with disability, delving into painful personal and societal themes. Crucially, it involves a candid and intimate portrayal of the actor's personal story, one that profoundly marked his life and stigmatized him. Despite losing both legs due to a suicide attempt, Simon Šerbinek managed to find meaning again, complete two degrees, and build a family.
Brief description of the novel "Life in the Subconsciousness. Fighter – The Diary of a Coward"
The author, who named himself Alen in the book, personally experienced everything described in the story. The story is subjective and in certain parts exaggerated, so the author advises the reader to approach it with some distance. The fundamental story revolves around a decision made by an individual struggling with mental health issues and having survived a suicide attempt. This person wants to confront their past in order to start anew. A psychiatrist advises this decision, acting as an objective commentator in Alen's story. Alen describes his state of psychosis and relapse in his diary, recounting his experiences during his psychiatric treatment. He asks his life companions for their insights to help him with his story. The following characters are thus introduced into the narrative: a psychiatrist, a friend, a director, and a professor. Alen describes his condition, which involves regression, taking him back to his childhood, school days, and then his student life, filled with ups and downs. At the presentation, alongside Simon Šerbink, there will also be Simon's former psychiatrist and psychotherapist, retired Dr. Bojan Filipič, as well as psychologist Dr. Aleksander Zadel, who will participate in the discussion.
Director: Matjaž Latin
Actor: Simon Šerbinek
Costume Designer: Miri Strnad
Music Selection: Matjaž Latin
Sound Editing: Marko Jakopanec
Puppet Design: Peter Škerl
Author of Story Excerpt: Svetlana Makarovič
Proofreader: Simon Šerbinek
Producer: Slavko Škvorc
Production: Cultural and Artistic Association Borza
Co-producers: Maribor Puppet Theatre, Association of Paraplegics of Podravje
Photography and Graphic Design: Matjaž Wenzel

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