Past event
19 Jan 2024 17:00

Museum of the Revolution (Muzej revolucije)

Network of Festivals in the Adriatic Region - Winter Edition 2024
Serbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, 2021, 91'
Directed by: Srdjan Keča

Cinematographer: Srdjan Keča 
Editing: Hrvoslava Brkušić, Srdjan Keča 
Music: Hrvoje Nikšić 
Production: Restart, Uzrok, Nutprodukce 

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the film crew. 

Museum of the Revolution was a plan launched in the early sixties by the Yugoslav authorities to build a grand museum in Belgrade. Vjenčeslav Richter, Yugoslavia’s most avant-garde and acclaimed architect, was commissioned to design this prestigious project with the aim of "safeguarding the truth about the national liberation struggle". Richter designed an imposing building, but the party enthusiasm apparently soon dwindled as the plan never got beyond the construction of the basement level. Now, more than 60 years later, offering refuge to social outcasts, this derelict building tells a very different story from the one envisioned at the onset. Among the structure’s community of unhoused people, Srdjan Keča singles out a Roma woman and her son, struggling to get by while maintaining dignity. A sense of dignity is partly created through the friendship they establish with an equally impoverished and marginalised old woman. Keča's Museum of the Revolution mainly tells the story of downfall, both the collapse of the country formerly known as Yugoslavia and its ideology and, more importantly, the collapse of a society incapable of providing for its weakest and most vulnerable members.


Inside this space, which is an abandoned utopian project, we tried to establish a protected world of childhood with the old lady and the little girl and the games they played, and then to see how it eroded over time in the film. What then came into play was this structure of starts and stops, of dreams that go nowhere, which is paralleled between the lives of the protagonists and the museum itself. The museum is an unfinished dream that, to me, stands for the unrealised projects and dreams that are specific to the Yugoslav space, but it also reflects the precarious lives of the film’s protagonists.
Srdjan Keča

Nakup vstopnic

Museum of the Revolution (Muzej revolucije)

19 Jan 2024 17:00
19 Jan 2024 17:00
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