Past event
18 Sep 2021 18:30

Gibanica at CD | Ajda Tomazin: Flock of Experienced Birds

Weather permitting, the meeting point for the performance will be on the west side of Cankarjev Dom, in the Council of Europe Park, Prešernova street 10, and we will conclude in the Kosovel Hall of Cankarjev dom. In case of rain, the performance will take place at the Old Town Power Station.


The performance Flock of Experienced Birds takes the viewer on a journey through the city with headphones, with the stories intertwining with the visual landscape of the city scenery, offering both new insights and views as well as new perceptions of urban communities. The roles of observer and listener can instantly transition into a temporary community and upgrade it with their presence. What does it mean to turn over a new leaf in life mean? What is the urban beat like through the eyes of children? Will the swallows return soon? When are we going for a walk by the river again? Why is Europe dying? Do we love our city? How does it develop? A flock of experienced birds reveals the views and memories of all its parts/members, creating a unique story of the city of Kranj in a dialogic coupling. They subtly describe its changing appearance, capture memories and the social pulse of the city, taking place through a first-person profession and revealing the perception of the place and time through subtle talk about change, passing, memories, closeness, interdependence and connection, which at the same time speaks of our own vulnerability.

Ajda Tomazin

graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, and holds a master’s degree in choreography and performance from the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies of the Justus-Liebig University of Giessen. She works interdisciplinary as a designer and choreographer. She authored numerous projects and performances, participated in many creative processes, and works a pedagogue. Her specialty are integrated concepts of the projects, encompassing both choreography and design, and these qualities are inscribed in the original performances, the quality of which is increasingly recognized by the wider international professional public. She received the Ksenija Hribar Award 2019 for outstanding achievements in the field of contemporary dance art.


Nakup vstopnic

Gibanica at CD | Ajda Tomazin: Flock of Experienced Birds

18 Sep 2021 15:00
18 Sep 2021 18:30
18 Sep 2021 15:00
18 Sep 2021 18:30
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7,00 EUR

5,00 EUR *

Concept, Choreography and Directing: Ajda Tomazin
Performers: Nika Rožej, Vladka Matijevec, Jasna Vitez, Vera-Veronika Planinšek, Lidija Tolič, Polonca Tomazin in Zlata Marn
Co-direction and Co-mentor: Rok Kravanja
Communication Expert: Zala Orel
Expert associates for work with representatives of the third age: Nena Škerlj, Katarina Vidic Čorović
Visual Design: Ajda Tomazin
Technical Support: Jože Bizovičar
Graphic Design: Polona Zaletel
Photography: Maša Pirc
Camera and Editing: Črt Štrubelj, Ajda Tomazin


Producer: Odprti predali, zavod za sodobne interdisciplinarne procese Kranj
Co-producers: Zavod Carnica (Layerjeva hiša), Ljudska Univerza Kranj, Prešernovo gledališče Kranj
Financial support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Kranj
Thank you: Mateja Šmid, Nena Škerlj, Katarina Vidic Čorović, Selman Čorović, Rožle Tomazin, Iris Bukovac Ćulibrk, Luka Pelcar, Goce Najdenov, Marjana Žibert (Gorenjski muzej), Jure Lavrin (Nina Bulatovix), Nina Pušlar, Aleksander Mežek.



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Spletna trgovina izdelkov

Spletna trgovina izdelkov

Skrbno izbrano ponudba različnih izdelkov in spominkov, ki so nastali v sodelovanju z različnimi slovenskimi oblikovalci ali so plod dela oblikovalskega tima Cankarjevega doma.


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